Seven days. Fronton. Sineu, Islas Baleares. Spain 2018

Seven days. Summing up. Sineu, Mallorca, Spain 2018 the latest when the roof beams have broken through the ceilings and smash some furnitures and months later still no serious construction measures were carried out, even I got it: „it’s time to say goodbye“ to the ruined studio „Fronton de Sineu“,  for my peace of mind and freedom of creation.

Of course, that was a gnashing decision.

According to the current situation, two positions came to the foreground – I take the time to realize current projects, exhibitions and commissions in peace and after this expected, nerve-wracking time, I will realise my desire for „work in silence and peace,“ inside the empty space of the „Fronton de Sineu“ , to say „Good bye“ to the studio  the way  I like.

All the rooms of the studio and the inner courtyard have been cleared out. Only the essentials remain, a packed suitcase, refrigerator, coffee and a toothbrush, a sunlounger is enough, paints, brushes and paper. Enough to be able to work 5 days, even better 7 days concentrated. A kind of summing up of what remains.

If this work is done, I leave the studio „Fronton de Sineu“, this theme will be done and new time begins… as usual: Giving space through conquering, update the studio in Pampin, in Germany.

That’s how it is, 3 months later.

All what is left is updating myself. Knowing after such a break I won’t, I refuse to go on like usual.

Pampin, Februar 2019

summing up / drawings