Palmyra Sculpture Garden. Islas Baleares. Spain 2018.2019

Palmyra Sculpture Garden. Islas Baleares, Spain

Ses Roques, Ien van Wierst / Stichting Foundation, NL

* marked works are the property of Ien van Wierst / Palmyra Sculpture Garden / Stichting Foundation

Assistent: Thorsten Thiel

Wanderer IV. 2018    resin, fibreglas and pigments. size: 70 x 117 x 92 cm


Wanderer III.  2018/2019  resine, fibreglas and pigments,  average size 140 x 20 x 32 cm


*the blue one. 2018/2019

resine, fibreglas and pigments, LED light, size: 210 x 213 x 230 cm

13 days / installation 2018.2019


*Wanderer II. /couple. 2010 / reworked and installed 2018 / Lightsculpture.

resin, firbreglas and oigments, size: 197 x 80 x 77 cm


*Stonework II. 2013 / reworked, resine and fibreglas  and installed 2018

Santanyi, Sandstone, Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain / size:  size: 45 x 64 x 53 cm


iLlegal housing VII. 2013 / reworked, resine and fibreglas  and installed 2018

Santanyi, Sandstone, Mallorca, Islas Baleares, Spain / size:/ size: 80 x 100 x 210cm


Wanderer  I. 2013 / installed 2018  Sandstone, Santanyi, Mallorca,  size: 125 x 100 x 70 cm