
I have a dream. 2020

A part off II. 2017

in the middle of the moment II. Blue. 2017

in the middle of the moment I. Yellow. 2017

a part off III. 2017

de.struction 2016

a part of I. 2016

Son Vida, Islas Baleares. 2016

Do boats cry? 2016

Terra. Green 2015

on the run. 2015

Metamorphoses / in progress. 2015

Ich erinnere mich, also bin ich III. 2014

Ich erinnere mich, also bin ich II. 2014

V. 2014

II. Moon – Schlosspark Pansevitz. Rügen 2014

I need my memories. 2013

How do?..can things grow? 2013

Stonework. 2013

Inside out. III. / 2012

Don’t tell. 2012

Haiku. 2012

IX. 2012

soviel Anfang war nie. 2010.11

Three sculptures. Pampin. 2011

Night and Day. Palmyra Sculpture Centre. Establiments. Islas Baleares, Spain

Islands. 2009

sidewalk. 2009

Terra. Blue. 2009

Subject II. 2008

Subject XIV. 2008.9