ECCE HOMO – Denkmal-Kultur-Mestlin. 2024

Denkmal-Kultur-Mestlin. SPUREN / Traces – Groupexhibition:  Ute Essig / HWH. Hundrich / Takwe Kaenders / Anke Meixner /  Stephan Thiel / Gerhard Stromberg / Manfred Scharnberg  / 14.July – 17.August .2024


Hundrich/ECCE HOMO – see, the human being. 2024

According to the Gospel of John, the Roman governor Pontius Pilate presents the tortured prisoner Jesus of Nazareth, dressed in a purple robe and crowned with a crown of thorns, to the people with the reference Ecce Homo, because he sees no reason to condemn him. (Wikipedia)

In the days of wars, increasing conflicts and aggressions, humanity is first thrown off the stage, then banished from the hall – below the horizon. To the place where it is hard to find, hard to recognize. What once promised salvation – has withered between ideological constructs and frameworks of thought, has been trapped beyond recognition, or – has been forgotten.

When did children become the focus of attention? Their dreams stolen, replaced by the wishes of adults.

July/August 2024