Bilderstreit – Ev. Stadtkirche Sternberg 2024

Bilderstreit – Ev. Stadtkirche Sternberg 2024

project idea and curated by Christine de Boom / opening speech by Dr. Maria Pulkenat / Music by Ritardando

participatimg artist: Diego Castro, Anke Fleischer, Christine de Boom, Herbert W.H. Hundrich, Renate U. Schürmeyer, Susanne Ziegler, Egon Stöbe, Stefan Tiel


on this page presented works / Hundrich: „dedicated to the people who do not count the days but the seconds“ 2023/24 

War, fleeing, escape, displacement, climate change, social injustice, racism, and again – war and displacement, escape, imigration – these are just some of the burning issues that define our present.

In addition, there are human issues of a social and cultural nature. Questions of education, equality, social justice, migration, immigration, job security, housing shortages, and – the talk of war weariness as a trivializing description of the collateral damage that affects all nations without exception that cannot escape the present – even if they are only indirectly or not at all involved in the wars.

„dedicated to people who don’t count the days, but the seconds“ 2023/24  My installation captures the „unstable state of in-between existence,“ the moment when people are most are most defenseless, most vulnerable. The moment of being radically at the mercy of others. The state in which all senses are sharpened to the maximum, all nerves are stretched to the breaking point, life is on a knife-edge, every second becomes a living nightmare.

I make no distinction – whether this situation is in the air, on the ground, in or on the water, in the streets or behind closed doors. When I am talking about human, I mean all human beings who have ever lived, who live now, and who will live. All human beings. In numbers so great that no one can imagine, let alone perceive.

No politics, no nation, no tribe, no collective, no family, no religion or any other affiliation. No color, no small and no big. When I say people, I mean all people, without exception, all people who have ever lived and will ever live.


1.  „Dedicated to people who do not count the days but the seconds“. / Requiem II / 2024 / Installation                                                 Dedicated to the dead – victims of physical and psychological violence.

2. „Dedicated to the people who do not count the days but the seconds II“.  / The Journey. 2023/24

In the concrete situation, the boats, the fleeing humans across the Mediterranean. People are fleeing. Tragically, this is part of human existence. Even where there is resistance, where the fight against the aggressor is supported with arms supplies, people also flee. Sometimes people flee because there is war, sometimes they are brutally displaced, sometimes it is because the living conditions have become unbearable, inhumane.

Each refugee is one too many – is a political act, an appeal to humanity – a cry for help, a living reminder of charity, which, as we know, is a pillar of the Christian faith. The first disciples of Jesus, the later prophets, were fishermen who would go on to catch people. This view does not declare the refugees to be prophets – but – they remind us, the people and believing Christians – of the origins of the Christian faith and of humanity, without which – the Christian faith does not work.

3. the image, the drawing, fragments. Memories. Of what remains. What is, that which remains or how does it all begin?


Hundrich / Pampin, 01. 05.2024